Pro EFT™ is a compilation of Progressive, Professional, Proficient Tapping Processes
Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master
Founder of Progressive EFT™
and the EFT Institute™
Progressive EFT™ utilizes highly effective methods that make EFT easier to understand, learn, teach and utilize. It also includes an easy-to-follow "blueprint" (the Golden Gate Technique) for applying EFT for almost any issue. It consists of processes, techniques and philosophies that help enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of tapping.
Progressive EFT™ was developed by Lindsay Kenny on-the-fly. Process by process she worked with hundreds of clients and workshop students. While Pro EFT™ techniques are often advanced, many can be used by virtually anyone.
Read how Pro EFT™ differs from Basic EFT
If you are new to EFT or tapping, read about it on our EFT page, or download our free Pro EFT Starter Package. Or take it a step higher and register for one of our Pro EFT™ tapping workshops. Many of the processes introduced on this page are advanced methods and require a sound knowledge of tapping. To realize value from Progressive EFT™ processes, it's important to be knowledgeable about traditional tapping.
Read more about learning Pro EFT™ processes
NOTE: Please do not mistake mistake our low prices for low value. We offer some of the best EFT and Pro EFT™ materials available. In fact, our clients tell us that our products are worth far more than what we charge. We make our audios, videos and articles affordable so we can reach more people with them. We hope you appreciate that.
Below you'll find just some of the Progressive EFT™ processes we've developed that help significantly improve the efficiency of tapping. Many of these techniques are advanced, so you need to have some basic knowledge of meridian tapping before using them. Here they are at a glance:
Reversal Neutralization (The most important element for successful tapping)
The Golden Gate Technique™ (The template for almost every issue)
Relationship Remedy™ (for contentious relationships of any kind)
Bundling Baggage™ (another MUST for serious tappers.)
EFT and the Law of Attraction (getting what you want in life)
The Personal Power Process™ (3 steps and 15 days to personal transformation)
The Ultimate Truth Statement™ (for complex and hard to measure issues...and for goals)
12 Steps for More Effective Tapping™
Tower of Shame™ (4-part package)
Read how Pro EFT differs from Basic EFT
Reversal Neutralization - a very important concept to know, regardless of your skill level with tapping.
To read more about our Reversals Multi-Media Package, click here
Or purchase it here for $24.95_______________________________________
The Golden Gate Technique™:![]()
So easy to use and so logical that beginners start using it on the first day!. It's also so versatile that we use the Golden Gate Technique™ as a template into almost every issue. Read more about this technique and purchase it here.
Relationship Remedy™:
This Is a miraculous tool to transform relationships of all types. It systematically helps you or your client eliminate anger, resentment and frustration with any existing relationship. We teach this process in our Ultimate Practitioners Workshop. However, you can read more about Relationship Remedy™ and purchase a teleclass audio of this process or purchase it now at the link below..
Register for this teleclass audio download
and receive the "Relationship Remedy" article free
$29 On sale for $11
Bundling Baggage Technique™:
Bundling Baggage Is a powerful, highly efficient process to easily deal with similar, repetitive, negative events, beliefs or fears. Most people form their identities and belief systems during their childhood. We then carry those limiting beliefs into our adult lives which can cause a multitude of issues such as self-sabotage, addictions, weight problems, low self-esteem, depression, feeling stuck, clutter and SO much more. Read about this remarkable process or purchase an affordable teleclass audio on how to use the technique.
$29.00 Reduced to $11
The Ultimate Truth Statement™:
The "UTS" is a cool technique to deal with intangible or hard-to-measure issues such as clutter, procrastination, being stuck, insomnia, low self-esteem and more. It's also perfect for working toward a specific goal such as weight loss, confidence, smoking cessation, addictions, peak performance and more. Click here to purchase this teleclass audio that will teach you how to use this powerful tool.
$29.00 Reduced to $11 and get the ebook FREE!
Muscle Testing: Is used in many ways during all of our courses. We teach it in our Level 1 (Beginners EFT) and continue its usages throughout our workshops. It can be quite valuable in demonstrating how negative emotions affect the body's energy system or to demonstrate Reversals. Our students love it and clients do too! Muscle testing takes practice and finesse and is almost impossible to teach by just reading along. However, here's a free article on it that can give you a start: Muscle Testing.
The Personal Power Process™:
This is a 3-Step, 15-day process for Personal Transformation. Here's a free hand out on the Personal Power Process, taught in our Level 3 class. Or purchase a teleclass audio on using the PPP to Transform low self-esteem into unshakable confidence.
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The Law of Attraction and EFT: We teach this powerful combination in our Secret of the Secret Workshop and weave it throughout all of our courses. Focusing on what you want and being in the right place to receive it is imperative to allowing the Law of Attraction (LOA) to work for you. EFT is the perfect match with the LOA to help live the life of your dreams.
Want some examples? Listen free to my personal LOA stories, all of which took place long before I even knew what the Law of Attraction was. (These pre-class audios were created to go with my LOA teleclass.) Or click below to purchase teleclass audios on EFT and the Law of Attraction.
We also teach Pat Carrington's Choice Method and other practitioners' advanced techniques. By definition, the word "Progressive" means ever-evolving. We plan on continuing to grow the endless possibilities with EFT, to help take it to the top level of the "Healing High-Rise".
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12 Tips for More Effective Tapping™ Ebook - Read about the the most common challenges with tapping and how to fix them. This ebook evolved from our popular 9-Stumbling Blocks of EFT in the mid 2000's. It will most certainly help you become more proficient with tapping and especially understanding some of the tenants of Pro EFT.
One simple Pro EFT™ technique is tapping on both sides of the body (simultaneously with both hands) and by tapping on all 14 meridians (instead of the 9
taught with Basic EFT). You can increase your proficiency by over 56%.
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Tower of Shame™
I see self-incrimination constantly in my private practice and in my classrooms and at every level. People beat themselves up for everything they’ve ever done wrong; and it manifests in lowered self-esteem, worthiness, confidence and physical pain.
A few years ago I developed a new process called “the Cone of Shame” (now called the Tower of Shame.) This process has produced remarkable success for increased worthiness, greatly improved self-esteem and reduction (or complete elimination) of pain and illness. Who doesn't want those things? Read what just a couple of peeps have said about this process.
Acquire this four-part package: A two-part article and two audio recordings
Loved the tapping session tonight! I've struggled with low self esteem and body related issues all my life and the effects of that shame have crippled me socially and emotionally. The tapping was great and I'll continue tapping until I'm down to a 0. Thanks for the broadcast! Julie in Virginia
Lory Diana Rosenberg posted on your Wall.
"Lindsay, I just want to say that your "Cone of Shame" concept is soooo fabulous, and I can't wait for Part 2 tonight! You inspire me over and over -- it makes me feel worthy just listening to the way you introduce the topic! You are just the best EFT tapping coach ever, with such sensitivity, insight and a sense of humor to boot!"
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Progressive EFT™ here
Read what our workshops students say about Pro EFT™
In case you missed it, please visit our
Thanks for visiting this page. Good Luck and Good Tapping.
I'm Lindsay Kenny and I approve of this message. :-)
Compassionate Life Coaching Since 1980