Happy New Year
It's been over a month, so I hope you take to time to read this news-packed post and about the
teleclass next week and our three new workshops!
Hot Flash 1: Join us for our annual "Tap into New Your Year's Resolution" teleclass next week. By now you've surely made your resolutions...and may have already given up on them! In fact, over 92% of the those making resolutions never reach them. But why is that?
In this teleclass on the 12th, I'll reveal 6 of the biggest reasons why I believe most resolutions fail. And, I'll share my 6 simple solutions to make sure yours work. It's so easy; 12 tips that can make a big difference in your results. Really. Success is so much sweeter than failure.
Join us next Thursday, the 12th, at 6pm PST (9 Eastern.)
If you can't join us live, register anyway so you can access the recording any time after the class (It will be on the confirmation page.) And in keeping with the '12' theme, this transformative
class is only $12! Woo Hoo
Register at www.EFTteleclasses.com
Hot Flash 2: Introducing our three new workshops!
The first one is:"Tap in 2 Love" It's just what it sounds like, tapping into the love you desire and deserve. Finding an ideal partner with whom to share your life and love isn't easy these days. Not that it ever was.
In the 80s, after being single for 17 years and fixing up dozens of friends, I decided to became a professional matchmaker! Ironically, that helped me find my own true love. So I know what it's like "out there" and I know what it's like to be with someone who's right for you.
Read my story about that and why I'm so passionate about this new workshop at Tap in 2 Love workshop. If being single isn't working for you anymore, then do something different this year. I believe (based on remarkable results) that I've found the 7 keys to helping people attract their ideal life-partner. And if they are "ideal" that means he or she will think you're ideal as well. Yay!
Commit to this March 24th class now and take advantage of my bargain Early Bird Special. Pay only $112 until
January 12th. Please take a moment to check
it out now. You deserve love!
Our second new workshop is our highly popular and entirely unique Practitioners Intensive ... only different. We've been doing our EFT Practitioners Intensive for four years, but it's new now because it's had a fabulous makeover:
The Intensive is perfect for anyone wanting to fast-track their EFT experience and learn the most efficient,
effective form
of tapping (Pro EFT.) Read
more about this one-of-a kind
course and
register at
While there, read some of the umpteen testimonials
about this unique course.
The third and new workshop for 2012 is our Pro EFT Matrix Reimprinting workshop.
Matrix Reimprinting isn't new, o
f course, but it's a new addition to our Pro EFT workshops. And here's the thing... I'd love to have your input on this one. Picking the right dates and venue for a new workshop is really a guessing game. But you can help me out if you would.
Please let me know if you are interested in doing this 3-day Matrix Reimprinting workshop in June (probably the 22-24th, tentatively) It will be in the San Francisco Bay Area, at a beautiful new venue. The dates are flexible so I would appreciate your input before committing. Here's what I'd like you to answer if you would:
1. Are you at least 80% sure you would take this course with us? (All MR courses are at a pre-established price of $395. However, ours will be a 3-day workshop.) No commitment is necessary yet, but I would love to know your level of interest.
2. Would the June 22-24th dates work for you? Please email me and let me know as soon as you can.
Thanks for helping me out with your feedback!
Reminder 1:Register now for our Tap Away Weight clinic Feb. 24-26th:. This 3-day program includes three post-
class teleclasses and over $500 of bonus material. And it's only $280!
It's one of the best financial bargains I've ever had and it's an incredible course. However, space is limited so secure your seat now. You have nothing to lose except unwanted fat. Ewwww.
Read more about this powerful program and register at www.TapAwayWeight.com
I've had a LOT of questions about EFT certification and I'm going to answer them in next week's isue.
Good Luck and Good Tapping,