Congratulations to a Dear Friend
+ a reminder about Thursday and a correction
Hot Flash 1: Today, one of my favorite people in the world, Chip Conley, is launching his new book: "Emotional Equations". I've never before sent out a newsletter just about a book...but then I've never seen a book like this one! While "Emotional Equations"
isn't about EFT, it is about emotions, a subject dear to the hearts of us EFT'ers. I loved studying the manuscript of it and could barely wait until it was released to tell you about it. Now it's out!
"Emotional Equations" is relevant to us in the world of Energy Psychology for several reasons. For one, it can take you from emotional intelligence to emotional fluency by allowing you to understand yourself and EFT at a deeper level. Chip brilliantly uses simple math formulas to explore and articulate feelings from a completely different perspective.
For those reasons and more, I think this book will be highly beneficial and complimentary to EFT'ers. For instance, I've always said that all disappointments are a result of reality not living up to our expectations. Chip describes disappointment in a simple equation of:
Disappointment = Expectations - Reality
Other simple examples of his equations are:
Anxiety = Uncertainty x Powerlessness
and joy as:
Joy = love - fear
Now, don't those make sense? There are many more, but it's not just the equations that are so thought-provoking. It's Chip's compelling explanations, examples and out-of-the-box reasoning that brings the equations to life. He allows you see emotions as almost three-dimensional. It's fascinating stuff!
Chip has authored several inspiring, best-selling, business-related books, but in my opinion, "Emotional Equations" is his best work. And while Chip doesn't mention EFT specifically in his book, he often includes it in his many speaking engagements worldwide. And, he is a big admirer and user of EFT. Here's what he says about it:
"At the deepest of emotional valleys, I was so fortunate to have a skilled EFT Practitioner, Lindsay Kenny, by my side who was able to guide me to safer ground, where I could start sorting through my collision of emotions.
I am a huge fan of EFT!" Chip Conley |
Aw shucks! By the way, I'm endorsing this book because I think the EFT community will benefit from it and because I respect Chip and his work so much. I wasn't asked to do his nor am I getting paid for it.
I've known Chip for over 15 years and realized early on that he was a brilliant and extraordinary man. I've witnessed him dazzle the world with his extraordinary intelligence, wisdom and charisma. When he spoke at TED in 2010 he got a rare and well-deserved standing ovation. But I didn't realize he had this book in him!
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading "Emotional Equations" and have been greatly inspired by it. I hope you get it for yourself. But if you're not sure, watch a little video about it or download a free chapter. I think you'll see what I mean. Go to
About Chip:
Chip Conley is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, speaker and founder of Joie de Vivre Hospitality (the largest boutique hotel chain in California).
Reminder 1: If you haven't registered for our New Year's Resolutions teleclass this Thursday, do it now. If you have trouble meeting goals of any kind, not just NY's resolutions, I think you'll benefit from this 12 suggestions. They will help you see things in a new light.
Register at
Thursday, the 12th, at 6 PM PST (9 Eastern)
If you can't join us live, register anyway so you can access the recording any time after the class (It will be on the confirmation page.)
Correction: Apologies, but there was an error in one of the links for our 5-day Practitioners Intensive. The correct link is
Read about the Ultimate Weight Release Solution and register at
Good Luck and Good Tapping,