Hot Flash 1: It's the time of the year for The Tapping World Summit. It will officially begin Feb. 21st. In the meantime, the producers of the Summit have put together some amazing F*R*E*E pre-launch videos with; Jack Canfield, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and Cheryl Richardson.
The first video, available today, Feb. 1, features Jack Canfield, author of "Chicken Soup for the Soul." In this F*R*E*E, inspiring, content-rich video, Jack talks about his search for a
technology that would make the Law of Attraction
work faster and better. He also
reveals what he discovered. It completely changed his life and now it helps others change theirs.
If you believe in the Law of Attraction but
feel like it doesn’t always work for you, then you'll want to watch this video. It's full of inspiring information! Watch it now, before you forget.
Hot Flash 2: I'm SO happy to announce the first of our Train the Trainers Courses for 2011: May 20-22nd, in the San Francisco Bay Area, with other cities on the way. It's preceded by a 4-week trainer webinar, packed with priceless support for becoming the Ultimate Facilitator. AND I'm opening it up this time to Level 2 EFT graduates. Read about it, register and save those dates. Space is limited to 20 and this class will fill up quickly!
Hot Flash Reminder: Remember to listen to our Pro EFT Radio broadcast on Wednesday nights, 9 PM EST. This week's guest is my friend and colleague, EFT Master, Pat Carrington!

Read more about my interview with Pat about her "Inspired Tapping" method on our Media Page. She always has something "inspiring" up her sleeve.
Join us this Wednesday 9 EST, 6 PST, at You can also call in to to ask questions at: 760-683-2626 (however the number of lines for questions are limited.)
BTW, next week's guest (Feb. 9th,) is Nick Ortner, creator of the Tapping World Summit and producer of EFT documentary
"The Tapping Solution."
Be sure to join us then as well.