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A Bunch of Good News
and Frisbees!

Note: I'll mention this word "FRisbEE" often in this newsletter and in the future.
"FRisbEE" is my internet spam-blocker code for "it won't cost you anything" Note the emboldened letters, FR and EE. This keeps me from ending up in your spam file. :-)

Hot Flash 1: My friend, Marc Sotkin, head writer and producer for hit shows such as Laverne & Shirley and The Golden Girls is a big fan of EFT (see Marc's quote below.) And Marc just got a contract to launch a 10-part PBS program on being Happy! And he's indicated that he wants to use Tapping as a part of his "Stayin' Happy" series. First, how could he not? And secondly, How Cool Is That?!

However, he needs to raise money to help create the pilot and move it to even bigger markets. I would love your support (as would Marc) in helping to further promote happiness and EFT
. So, I want to give you something in appreciation for your support.

So here's what you need to do:

First: Please go to this site and watch Marc's trailer about his project, "Stayin' Happy".

Secondly: Please make a donation if you can, even if minor. If you donate $10 or more, I'll give you something in return, since this is such a worthy cause. Here's what you'll get:

  • Donate just $10 and I'll give you my "Playing to Win" Teleclass download (it's about procrastination, btw.) And it's FRisbEE. (retail value $29)
  • Donate $6-$20 and you'' receive my Playing to Win audio plus my Overcoming Anger and Resentment audio...again, both FRisbEE. (retail value for both $58)
  • Donate $25 or more and you'll get my entire Empowering Teleclass audio downloads for FRisbEE! (retail value $145!)
  • If you are really generous, and donate $1000 or more I'll send you my EFTMp3 player (with over $1200 of priceless material) And I bet Marc will call you himself to thank you. And so will I!

Third: Email me your receipt from Kickstarter, the company helping Marc to raise the funds, and I'll send you your bonus audio downloads.

MarkWhat Marc says about EFT:When I feel blocked either in life or in the creative process, I have two choices:

I can hit my head against the wall, or I can just tap on my head and remove the blocks.

Choice number two is less painful in so many ways. That’s why I love working with Lindsay Kenny and her tapping techniques.”
Marc Sotkin

Read about my Empowering Teleclass Audios here to see what you'll be getting for your donation. (I'm getting nothing, btw, other than the satisfaction of knowing I'm helping a worthy cause.)


bannerHot Flash 2: I'm about to launch my beautiful new website, but it's not quite ready it. It's been exhausting work but exciting and we're almost there. Just before we make it live I wanted to let you in on the celebration now. Because, thanks to your support I've been able to reduce virtually EVERY product on my website! All audios that were $25-29 are now $11. Packages are as much as $200 less and so on. So check it out when you get a chance.

Start with this new EFT Products and Services page:


Hot Flash 3: Another FRisbEE! Just in case you haven't heard about it, my friend and colleague, Bob Doyle is hosting a big event starting today. It's called the "Spring Forest Healing Fest and you can watch a video about it here. If you're not familiar with Qigong, another energy release technique, this would be a great place to start. And it's Frisbee!


And a reminder! Our Tap In 2 Love Workshop starts on the 24th. Get into it now if you're into love, but don't have enough of it! www.Tapin2Love.com Let me show you how to attract your IDEAL life partner.


Other upcoming workshops

Good Luck and Good Tapping,


Upcoming Pro EFT workshops
San Francisco Bay Area


Other Tapping News and Resources

  • Read about Lindsay's Ultimate Personal Transformation Program going on now. 10 sessions and 10 weeks to ultimate change.
  • Visit Lindsay's Media Page for interviews, audios, videos and more.
  • If you want practice tapping with others check out our new Tapping Buddies Program We have beginners and experts in basic EFT and Pro EFT, all volunteering to help each other.
