Hot Flashes Newsletter
Life Coaching with Lindsay
Helping others achieve peace, joy and purpose in life

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Hot Flash 1 - Good news for those of you who are, or want to be, workshop facilitators or presenters! I'm now opening up the "virtual" portion of my "Ultmiate Facilitators Course" to everyone! This means anyone can attend the webinar segments which begin next Thursday, the 22nd. The live, in-person, part of the course will still be in San Francisco but is no longer mandatory to attend.


The webinar portion will contain the foundation of what you need to be a successful presenter, including all of the logistics and marketing. I'm making the 4- webinar segments super affordable at only $250! And as always, I'm throwing in tons of freebies and other material. If teaching these amazing techniques (EFT, Pro EFT, Pro ER, MTT) is on your radar, then seize this opportunity now! Read about all of the options and register at


Hot Flash 2 - Bundling Baggage Give-Away


Reminder: The new Vets, PTSD documentary, "Emotional Freedom: The Answer" is still for sale by DVD or online This powerful film documents the journey of several emotionally and physically scared veterans and their amazing results with EFT. Watch the trailer online and order the movie online or via DVD at


Good luck and Good tapping, :-)

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