Hot Flash 1: I want to start with some very uplifting news. Last Saturday night at
the Tapping World Summit event for Affiliates in New York City, I was honored to present a beautiful trophy to one of my heroes, Dr. Patricia Carrington. It was the first annual "Dr. Patricia Carrington Lifetime Achievement Award for Tapping Excellence." Pat, one of the first EFT Founding Masters, embodies extraordinary commitment in Meridian Tapping with her tireless energy, compassion, innovations and her loving support of others. She was tapping even long before EFT with her own "Acu-tap" protocol and has contributed so much to the tapping community.
We also celebrated Pat's 88th birthday at the summit event! She's open about her age and
should be very proud of herself.
She's still going strong, well into her 9th decade...and without drugs, the help of longevity-genes, or even a cane or walker! Maybe tapping is why she seems so young, vibrant and healthy. And Pat puts the energizer bunny to shame. Can you see why she's my hero?
Pat, a former lecturer and faculty member at Princeton, a fabulous author, psychologist and the creator of the famous EFT "Choice Method". So on her birthday cake the inscription said "Even though I'm 88, I choose to know I'm really great!"
Congratulations to Pat, an inspiration to all of us. Feel free to email Pat your congratulations as well. I know she'll love that!
BTW, Pat and I will be doing an wonderful 6-part Law of Attraction teleclass series together beginning in a few weeks. More to come in the next Hot Flashes edition!
Hot Flash 2: EFT in the News! Last week, my crazy friend and Certified Pro EFT™ Practitioner, Dr. Kiya Immergluck, was on a CBS TV news broadcast in Chicago last week! Congratulations to Kiya for representing tapping so well. Watch it yourself and let her know what you think. She's so
shy and reserved, as you'll see from the video, ;-) that it might embarrass her. HA!
There was also a segment about EFT on the news in the LA area, but I can't seem to find it. Let me know if you hear about that, would you?.
I can feel the shift out there. So many people are hearing about tapping and experiencing how it can transform their lives. We're not that far away from it being mainstream. Yay!
Hot Flash 3: I'm going to be in LA next month, August 18th-19th for the Living Energy Workshop; a sampling of several types of energy modalities at one event. And, you can participate without attending in person! Just us online from ANYWHERE. The entire two-day event will be streamed live over the internet and even available via recording afterwards.
This is a fascinating workshop with a variety of energy practitioners, including Richard Gordon, author of the best-selling book, Quantum Touch. I'll be representing EFT, and there will be many other interesting speakers in attendance.
The bonuses with this event are truly extraordinary. You'll have to read about it to appreciate what you'll be getting. So join us for this one-of-a-kind event; in person or from your computer or mobile device. Read more and register now for the format that suits you best; the live LA event, the virtual online event or the recordings afterwards:
Hot Flash 4: In our last Hot Flashes Newsletter I asked you what YOU wanted in our newsletters. The overwhelming response was for more teleclasses or interactive programs. So I'll soon be starting my radio show again, but this time with the EFT Radio people, so I don't have to do the technical behind the scenes stuff. It will be a monthly show and instead of guests all the time, I'll be doing different "classes" about a variety of EFT and Pro EFT™ subjects. So I'm counting on your participation and help. Plus, I will have quest speakers from time to time. Let me know if there's someone you particularly want to hear from. Stay tuned for more details in our next edition.
Our Pro EFT Certification Assessment Program™ starts this Friday! If you want to be certified by the National Alliance for Emotional Health (aka the EFT Institute) in EFT, Pro EFT™ and MTT, this is the only way you can do all of that in one place!
Read more and register at
Register for the Level 1 and 2 Workshops Sept 14-16th,
in the San Francisco Bay Area; with Certified Pro EFT Practitioners and Trainers, Zoe Walton and Lynn Robinson
Register for our Train the Trainer Course, also Sept. 14-16th
Good Luck, Good Tapping,