Project Helping Hand...
... and
a Different Take on Emotions
Hot Flash 1: Project Helping Hand is back for 2011! Last year our Project Helping Hand was a great success. Level
3 EFT graduates reached out, from all over the world, volunteering to help the masses.
We tapped with thousands of people at a time, via teleclasses and group sessions, for over 8 weeks. Dozens of brave Level 3 Pro EFT and EFT grads volunteered thousands of hours of their precious time to make it work and to make a BIG difference.
Our "winning" team, "Project Giving Hope," led by Christine Kolenda, worked with people suffering with cancer and their care-givers. Six different teams, working with different specialties such as women's health or troubled teens, joined together as volunteers to create synergy to help others. Every participant and every team member was a big winner in these projects; feeling empowered and fulfilled...on both sides of the tapping equation.
Project Helping Hand, sponsored by Pro EFT, is the umbrella project of the teams and is now accepting volunteers for this year's projects. If you are a Level 3 EFT or Pro EFT graduate and you otherwise qualify for Project Helping Hand, you can choose a specialty and niche and pick your own teammates (many of whom may be life-long friends you don't yet know. You'll also get to meet some extraordinary people as you use your EFT skills to help others.
Most importantly you'll be able to experience the excitement and fulfillment of making a difference in a gigantic way while being committed to something greater than yourself. Read the team member requirements below along with the project specifics at
The requirements to participate in Project Helping Hand are that you are:
- An EFT or Pro EFT Level 3 graduate (OR a highly experienced Tapper, with at least 3 years of practitioner-level experience)
- A good team player (or willing to learn how to be one) and open to doing tasks that may seem beneath you.
- Willing to put in time (that you think you don't have) for a cause bigger than yourself
- Genuinely interested in making a difference, in a BIG way.
- Resourceful, pro-active and have a can-do attitude. OR, willing to work with people who are like that. While we provide a lot of guidance and support in your chosen project, we won't hold your hand. But we will help you find someone with whom to tap about it.
- A leader (or a willing supporter of leaders and go-getters)
If you're interested in learning more and think you qualify,
read more about the projects at this link.
Be sure to watch the video webinar recording about the assignment and download the Project Assignment Guidelines
and Specialties and Niches handouts...on that page.
Hot Flash 2: Join us Wednesday, August 3rd, at 9 PM EDT, as Dr. Bradley Nelson describes "The Emotion Code." Dr. Nelson articulates a
perspective about negative emotions and how to resolve them that differs from EFT. You may agree or not, but it's always healthy to get a different point of view on something you think you already know. And this IS different.
However, The Emotion Code is similar to EFT in the foundational belief that significant unresolved negative emotions play a vital role in our physical and mental health. Listen in as Dr. Brad explains and demonstrates The Emotion Code.
As a holistic chiropractic physician and medical intuitive, Dr. Nelson is considered an expert in the emerging fields of bio-energetic medicine and energy psychology. Read a little about The Emotion Code ahead of time at
Tune in online at
or phone in at 760-683-2626. 9 PM EDT
(6 PM PDT)
And remember, if you can't join us live, listen to the recording anytime at
Reminder: Remember, this Tuesday, August 2nd, I'll be doing a
unique teleclass for practitioners and experienced tappers, on a serious and very important technique:
"The Ultimate Choice"
This class is about committing to your own life, not about suicide prevention. Do not register for this class if you are considering suicide. Please call 911 immediately or seek urgent assistance from a
skilled health care professional. (
This class is primarily for practitioners or
who feel stuck
or uncommitted in their lives. Read more about this unique teleclass and powerful process
and register at