Hot Flashes Newsletter
Life Coaching with Lindsay
Helping others achieve peace, joy and purpose in life

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Read why we always spell F*R*E*E this odd way. :-)


Hot Flash 1 - One of our "Project Helping Hand" programs starts this week! "Project Giving Hope" begins their tele-seminars this THURSDAY the 24th. This entire No-Cost, 12-part series, will be devoted to helping cancer victims and their families to deal with the trauma and fear associated with cancer by using advanced tapping techniques. If you're like most of us, it's likely that you or a loved one has been diagnosed with the dreaded "C" word. My husband and I lost a friend just last week to cancer and have 5 other friends who are fighting for their lives with it.


Register for the 12, No-Cost tele-seminars now at


The group of tapping experts includes some of our finest Level 3 and certified Pro EFT practitioners. All have donated their time, energy and hearts to this project. Please read their article about this timely program or go directly to the Giving Hope website at: to register for the tele-seminars.  They are not selling anything, nor soliciting money, just giving their time and energy to others. My gratitude goes out to Christine Kolenda, the team captain, and the whole group!


Bonus 1- Download my chapter on Clearing Clutter for Clarity and Confidence from Pamela Bruner's Book "EFT and Beyond".

  • Click here to read more about "EFT and Beyond for Personal Transformation" or about Pamela's new Business Success program.)
  • Click here to download my Clearing Clutter chapter from the book


Bonus 2- If you missed my Global Teleclass on "Tapping Away Limiting Beliefs and Fears", you can listen to the recording on my site at as well as download the f*r*e*e handouts


Reminder - Register now, before the end of August, and save almost a $100 on our Sept. 17th- 19th Workshops; "Basics and Beyond" (Level 1) and "Innovative Tapping and Law of Attraction" (Level 2) Both will count toward the new EFT and Pro EFT certification! Read more at


Good luck and Good tapping, :-)


*PS Just so you'll know, FYI, The reason newsletter publishers and other e-mailers spell F*R*E*E this and other odd ways is that spam filters will kick out any e-mail with the word F-R-E-E in it (spelled without dashes or asterisks.). Go figure. I guess F*R*E*E is both a four-letter work and the F word. :-)

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