Hot Flashes Newsletter
Life Coaching with Lindsay
Helping others achieve peace, joy and purpose in life

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2 Happy Holiday Hot Flashes
2 important FAQs
2 little gifts

Hot Flash 1 - We've just added two important events to our calendar: Matrix Reimprinting* Feb. 13-14th, and an Abundance-focused Pro EFT Level 1 & 2 Feb. 10-12th! (The latter counts toward AAMET certification.) Read about these 3 great courses, in 5 days, by 2 of EFT's top trainers @

*Matrix Reimprinting, is an innovative EFT-based process to neutralize traumas and reprogram memories. It enhances and compliments other EFT and Pro EFT techniques you may have learned.

Hot Flash 2: There's still time to save $400 with our Early Bird special for the EFT Practitioners Intensive. Just register by Dec.31st to save your seat and $400! There are six total payment options, including taking Levels 1 and 2 only. Here are just four fabulous reasons (of many) why this once-a-year-course could be the best thing you've ever done.

  1. You'll be able to work through scores of your own issues, with other students, certified Pro EFT practitioners and trainers.
  2. You will be learning EFT basics and Pro EFT at the premier level, while learning many highly-effective processes, unique to our courses.
  3. The Intensive, like all of our courses, is highly experiential, the proven best way to learn. So you'll never be bored. Guaranteed!
  4. Our support materials are incomparable; Professional PowerPoint presentations, handouts, workbooks, examples, demonstrations and other priceless learning material. In fact, you will receive over $2000 of bonus material during this course. Read what others have to say about our Intensives.

Take advantage of the opportunity to save now. If you're a beginner to tapping, you can optionally just take the Level 1 and 2 portions of the Intensive. Read all about it at



Q. What's going on with EFT Universe and EFT United? Why are there two official EFT websites now? Troy, Atlanta

A.This has become a very frequently asked question. It's a challenging one to address, for political correctness reasons, but one that needs answering. The fact is neither of the above websites, nor any others, are "official" EFT sites. Gary Craig, EFT's founder, gave EFT to the world when he retired...not any one person or group. EFT Universe (EFTU,) has erroneously presented that it was endorsed and supported by Gary Craig. However, based on Gary's own statement Oct. 18th, that was never the case. The EFTU site and it's workshops are conducted by one person, who is neither an EFT practitioner nor an EFT trainer, nor recommended by EFT's founder. is democratically operated by a non commercial, democratic, Advisory Council of 20 EFT leaders, trainers and Masters. It is aligned with, EFT's leader in trainings and certification for eight years. For full disclosure, I am a long-time member of AAMET and on the Advisory Council for EFT United. You can also watch this video clip of me being excited. It was taken moments after the formation of our Council and Alliance with AAMET. You can read the entire story about how and why EFT United was formed and their alliance with AAMET on the "Our Story" page at that site (and watch other videos of us.)

Q. I heard that taking medications can interfere with tapping. Is that true? Chloe, Portland

A. I need to start by saying I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV, so please do not stop taking medications without consulting your physician. Really. That said, yes, drugs of any kind; prescription, or otherwise, including alcohol and some over-the-counter remedies can reduce or prohibit tapping results. Some people are more sensitive than others, so the results can vary.

Prescription medications, especially mind-altering ones; pain killers, anti-depressants, anxiety meds, etc. can interfere with the body's energy system, or cause Polarity Reversals. So it's definitely something to consider if you aren't getting the results you are expecting.

If you're not getting results with tapping, at all, then it could be the meds you're taking. However, if you are getting results on some issues but not others, your problem is probably the medications, but rather one of the many other possibilities, including the application of EFT. See my 12 Tips for more Effective Tapping to look for other causes of slow or no results.

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Your Gifts:

  1. Download and tap along with my teleclass audio on How to make your New Year's resolutions work There's a reason they only last a few weeks (or is it hours for you?) There are some other goodies on that page too.
  2. Tap along to my short "Flu-Blocker" audio on how to ward off viruses before they take hold of you.

Good Luck and Good Tapping,


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