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Congratulations for purchasing the
"EFT and the Law of Attraction" Audios

The principles taught in the documentary, "The Secret" are what we'll be working for in this teleclass. So if you haven't seen it yet, then the below audio won't be very meaningful to you. So please save this page and return later after having watched The Secret. You can watch it online, or order the DVD at

Also, please listen to the free pre-class audiosbelow before
the workshop. They are less than 20 minutes, and are an
intregal part of this program. Hopefully you'll find them
motivational and see why I'm so passionate
about the Law of Attraction. :-)

Be sure to save or print this page to revisit later.

Pre-class audio: 1 of 2 - Hawaii, Mercedes, Trip to Europe 
audio 3

Pre-class audio: 2 of 2 - Custom Home, $$, and the downside to the L of A
audio 2

 I hope you enjoyed these stories about just some of the
thousands of things I've manifested in my life
. You'll hear more of mine
and several about my friends or clients' in the class.




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