Click here to find out how to record your own story or testimonial about tapping. |
The teleclasses and other audios on this page are free. Just click on the play buttons to listen to your choice of recordings. You will be able to stop or pause each one, depending on your own media player.
You may also purchase one of our highly acclaimed recorded teleclass audios like "EFT and the Law of Attraction", "Bundling Baggage or more on our Products page.
Below are some free audios available to you...
Refresher Class:
In this 75 minute call we go over the basics of tapping, review the tapping points, the set-up statement (what to say), and answer many frequently asked questions. We also conduct a tapping session.
The Choice Method:
Learn how to use Dr. Patricia Carrington's wonderful Choice Method, with Angela Treat Lyon hosting Lindsay as the guest speaker. This method is used when the intensity of an issue has been reduced to a 3 or less. This easy-to-use tapping tool empowers
users to make powerful, positive, highly effective choices relating to their issues.
Lindsay's Flu-Blocker Technique:
Listen and tap along with Lindsay to stop an oncoming flu, cold or other virus. It may work for you and save you many days of illness. But please do not discontinue any medical advice or medications, without consulting your health-care practitioner.
Mimi's Story: Listen to this moving story about "Mima" a real client who knows that tapping saved her life, as it did mine. When "checking out" seems like the only option, there's always tapping to help pull you out.
As a postscript, you might want to know that Mima's life is flourishing. She now has all of the things she's always wanted; a permanent home, a healthy relationship, and abundance in every area of her life. Thoughts of ending her own life now seem absurd part of her past. This could happen for you too!
Client Session:
Listen in on a phone session with client "Marcia" (with her permission, of course). We work on many issues; her cravings for pastry, writer's block and her issue with losing weight. All were related, as it turned out. Since recording this call, Marcia continues to make great progress towards reaching her goals.
Frequently asked questions about tapping on audio.
Also visit our FAQ's page
Listen to Lindsay's radio interview on Voice America on, Tapping Relief for Parents of special needs children
You too can help others by recording an audio testimonial about your experiences with tapping. (You can use a pseudonym rather than your real name if you would like to remain anonymous.)
Simply dial this number 214-615-6505 and follow the prompts. Enter the extension # of 3722 when prompted. By doing so you are agreeing to allow us to publish your audio on this site. Your real name will not be given, unless you choose to include it in your audio message. Thank you for taking the time to do that.
Compassionate Life Coaching Since 1980